Digital openness
Digital openness has various domains to which it can relate: open source (for software), open access (for scientific output), open content, open educational resources (for learning materials). A central issue to all these forms of digital openness, in contrast to standard copyright, is that it is free available and has an open license. For open content and open educational resources Creative Commons has developed a system of open licenses which are fit to different circumstances and which are meanwhile commonly applied.
Free of charge: you have a full course experience free-of-charge.
Open licence: (re-)use it. You have the rights to reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute content or courses. We see open licence as an important business driver for promoting skills, enhancing knowledge transfer and increasing the pace of innovation.
At OpenupEd we aim to be in these 5R’ domains of the digitally open world as much as possible, although, for example, still the use of open source software for MOOC platforms is not as widespread as you would wish. As a rule the OpenupEd courses should be openly licensed, for example CC BY or CC BY SA. If this is not yet the case for a particular course, we expect an intention to change that.